More things I wish someone else will write
More random software ideas:
- Google search, restricted to find bug reports only. You'd crawl usenet, sourceforge/google code, debian etc. build farms, open issue trackers, mailing list archives and blogs; extract things in 'pre' tags, and look for repeated stanzas (these indicate where bug was pasted in).
- NTP server along the lines of the procrastinator's clock, that would dither the time (by extending or delaying each second) by up to a set amount fast, and never slow. You'd have to be careful with rsync, server logs, kerberos/cookie session stores/other authentication... or maybe just use it at the app level, if your clocks will use NTP themselves.
Labels: bug, clock, delay, fast, idea, late, NTP, procrastinator, report, search, software, time, tracker